Dr. Kester J Nedd

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"I have been privileged to work with Dr. Nedd as a colleague and friend over the last 25 years. Similar to "Dr. House" he is in real life able to manage the most complex neurological cases acute and chronic and get to the bottom of the issue in order to treat it. This book reflects his ideas from all the years of experience, his theories and how he sees the organization of the brain and the CNS following injury... Throughout the pages his optimistic and calming personality comes through which has allowed him to really listen to a patient and holistically treat not only their medical issues but the person themselves calming fears and providing state of the art treatment. If you are a resident, fellow, nurse, doctor, patient, family member of someone recovering from TBI, Stroke or other neurological disorders this book is a must read by one of the top Neurorehab docs in the world and now sharing his words of wisdom globally."

-Gillian Hotz, Ph. D